Earth Day Garden Pasta

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Earth Day Garden Pasta with organic veggies
Earth Day Garden Pasta

This past weekend had the chance to visit my farmer’s market where I found fresh organic veggies evoking this idea of a pasta jardinière showcasing all the wonderful colors of a full bloom garden just in time for Earth Day.

Shopping at the farmer’s market and knowing from where the food that you consume comes from it is very important to assure what you bring to your family’s table is healthy and fresh. Also by supporting our local farmers’ we help the economy and our planet, many of our farmers use sustainable techniques to grow their products which are also organic grade, check Local Harvest to learn more about where to find local organic produce in you area and celebrate Farmer’s Market Week.



  • 1 box of whole grain thin spaghetti pasta
  • 1 can of organic tomato paste
  • 1 can of organic tomato cut in petite cubes
  • 6- 8 fresh asparagus cut in medium size pieces
  • 1 red pimento cut in stripes (julienne)
  • 1 big portabella mushroom cut in petite pieces (no stem)
  • 2 yellow squash cut in half moons
  • 1 big carrot cut in petite cubes
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 glass of red wine
  • Oregano, pepper, salt
  • Olive oil


Preparation time: 45 minutes. Serves 4-6 people. Approximate cost per person $3.00 depending on ingredients market price. You will need a sautéing pan, a deep pan for cooking pasta, baking sheet, a wooden spoon, knife, mandolin and a chopping block.

In the sautéing pan add 1 spoon of olive oil and the garlic, saute for few seconds, then add the tomato paste and the tomato cubes, season with salt, pepper and oregano, add the red wine and let is simmer for 30 minutes at a low temperature and cover. The longer you cook the sauce the better will taste, that will allow the tomatoes to be mellow and all ingredients to marry, so don’t hurry while doing this.

Chop and julienne the veggies, this is an important part of the dish be sure to cut as directed so that the presentation of the dish look pretty and appetizing. Place all veggies in a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil and little salt and pepper, then grill on high in the oven. Grilling veggies is a good idea to preserve the taste and the vitamins while also giving a nice smokey taste to the dish.

Place the pasta pan in the stove and boil water with salt, when hot add the spaghetti and let it cook. When ready combine spaghetti with the veggies and the tomato sauce, you can serve with Parmesan cheese or a slice of goat cheese. Pair it with a nice Italian red wine and you are up to a feast!

And now after tasting this delicious pasta you can be inspired and join the Organic Authority’s Earth Day Party entering to win wonderful prizes that you cannot miss!


Chef Adriana Martin
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