This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Scott’s . The opinions and text are all mine.

Planting a vegetable garden aside from being fun and a relaxing activity is a great idea to have readily available fresh produce to eat at home. You can easily grow your own tomatoes, chiles and onions as well as other produce.

Who doesn’t love fresh tomates and chiles for preparing Mexican salsa or pico de gallo. For my family having salsa mexicana is one of those garnishes that cannot be missed in our family table. That is why planting a Mexican vegetable garden is a must have for us and a way to express myself and my culture.

Having a gardening project that allows to include the children and the whole family is also a way to educate them about food and from where the veggies we eat come from. Working together building this special family project will allow you and them learn about team work and experience the different products available from MIRACLE-GRO that help our gardening projects blossom into beautiful plants so that we can express our Jardinalidad!

Planting a vegetable garden it is very easy you just need to take the decision and do it. But before you start here are some tips to follow:
- Check you backyard and find the best spot for placing a raised bed. The best place will be the one that receives enough sun and it is easy to access. It is recommended to choose a space that is facing south for equal light exposure.
- Build a raise bed using rot resistant wood like cedar, cypress or locust. You can also use rocks, cement blocks or bricks. A raised bed is a rectangular wooden frame built to whatever height you desire and then fill with fresh soil.
- Use good quality soil like MIRACLE-GRO Garden Soil intended for flowers and vegetables to allow your garden grow twice as big.
- Plant marigolds to surround the vegetable garden. Marigolds have the duty of keeping the mosquitos and other insects away and also makes your vegetable garden look very colorful.
- Plant your tomatoes with enough space and feed the plants every 2 weeks and once they have been in the ground for 4 weeks feed with a water soluble plant food such as MIRACLE-GRO Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food.
- Water your vegetable garden regularly to maintain consistent moisture.
Many of these recommendations I learned from my own experience and other resources to be successful while working on our gardening projects. In my opinion gardening and being successful while doing it is part of the fun and so fulfilling. It is very exciting to see how the garden grows and when the first flowers start to pop up that is the sign you will be enjoying your veggies very soon.

Now that you are equipped with the information I invite you to start a garden project to express yourself, and when you do post your pictures of your lawn and garden projects on social media using the hashtag #MiJardinalidad so that we can see all the wonderful styles and ideas you have come up to to express yourself.
Remember to always read and follow label directions for the referenced products.
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